Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What I learnt in management class today

Not everyone can be good at everything.

So first you hire Person A, who can do this thing, and then you hire Person B, who can do this other thing.
Person B is excellent at what he does. Person A gets his job done.
But Person A can do something Person B cannot, and that is why Person A's still around.

But, this is my take:

Have you ever considered that Person B might be able to do both what himself and Person A can do?
Maybe Person B is a better _____er than Person A.
But if you assume that Person B is only good at what he was hired to do, and you don't teach Person B how to do what Person A does, Person B cannot learn.

So Person A will always be around, not actually because he's a better _____er than Person B, but simply because Person B never got the chance to learn.

This might not always be the case, because there will definitely be Person Bs around who cannot do what Person As can do. But what about those who can? What happens to them? Are they relegated to forever being the secondary Person B just because they didn't get a chance to learn something new?

Makes sense? This can be applied to so many contexts even.

Man, I am amazed at my insight. Hahahahahahaha.

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