It's been almost a week of nonstop dinners and outings and I desperately need some quiet me down time to unwind and not talk to anyone for a while before I head back to work tomorrow.
As much as I enjoy the festivities and cherish the opportunity to catch up with the people I pretty much see only once a year, the older I get the more I really feel like after the CNY period is over I need a vacation from the holiday season.
I'm becoming more and more of an introvert as I age and I'm honestly not sure if that's a good or bad thing.... But what I know for sure is that superficial socialising doesn't appeal to me anymore!
But above everything I do understand and treasure the family friends that we have and the bond we've built over the years, so no matter how tired or unwilling I will always make the effort to dress up and go visiting because I believe it really is important to stay in touch with the people who have been there for you and your family through the years.
Oh, the eternal struggle between being in my comfort zone vs obligation and the call of duty.
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