Sunday, November 11, 2012

you see the light that I can’t see

Oh baby, my baby,
You’ve held me
through many broken hearts
And maybe, just maybe
You can fix all my broken parts

And you took me by surprise
When you took my hand
And you with your dark brown eyes
You see the light that I can’t see
You see the light in me.

Friday, November 02, 2012

who you are.

I have so many backdated posts, posts saved under drafts, posts written in my Notes app or Evernote on my phone that never actually wind up being posted on here... Funny how things change. Once upon a time I was that girl who updated her Livejournal/Tumblr/Blogspot 5 times a day each and now I've become the girl who would rather sit on what she really feels rather than to be judged for wearing her heart on her sleeve.

When I started this blog I wrote 7 posts in the first 10 days. 21 in the next month. Now I write one post a month. 2 if I'm feeling particularly adventurous.

After one too many cases of people getting fired/splashed all over the news for expressing themselves a bit too freely on the Internet, the painfully practical little old lady who lives in my head nagging me all day is rejoicing that I am no longer that girl that just might get herself into trouble one day for the things she says.

But is learning to watch yourself necessarily a sign of growing up? Or just a sign that you're growing cold? Cynical, maybe?

When did I become ashamed of my own thoughts?