Saturday, March 07, 2009

A Level Results: FAQ

Yes, I flunked my Math.
Yes, I expected it.
Yes, I did well enough for the rest.
Yes, I have accepted it and I am fine.

Yes, I am still shamelessly applying to university.
No, I don't know whether or not I have a future in publishings.
Yes, I am going to apply for everything I want regardless of admission criteria.
No, I am not planning to give up and yes, I am planning to further my education.

Yes, I am applying to all three universities.
Yes, I am applying to Lasalle.
No, I cannot afford private uni.
Yes, I would still like to go to Lasalle.

Yes, my parents are giving me grief.
No, I am not fine.
No, I cannot meet you for dinner tomorrow.
No, I am not happy.
Yes, my life basically sucks now.

And yes, I would like you to shut up and stop asking me how I did.

Thank you.
